Friday, January 13, 2012

Educating your children

Firearms and children.

Some would have you believe those two words should never, ever, ever (eleventy!!!!111!!!) go together.

Silly isn't it?

I've taught my children respect for firearms since they were old enough to comprehend. They've accompanied me for fall hunting walks in the woods, helped me clean my unloaded firearms, and I've now taken them shooting - well supervised of course.

All my firearms, except my carry, are stored locked up and unloaded - and my carry never leaves my hip (and when it does, is unloaded and secured).

My children (and some of their friends now) have a beginning understanding of the awesome (and potentially terrible) power that is held inside of a firearm. I've tried to dispel their curiosity by giving them unlimited access to handle a firearm in my presence. Now, they're never left unsupervised in the presence of a firearm -- but they also know anytime their curiosity gets the better of them all they have to do is ask, and we'll get them out for "show and tell". Should they come across an unsecured firearm at a friend's, or relative's house -- they know they're not to touch, and to find a grown-up immediately. They repeat this mantra to EVERYONE when asked about "guns".

Once my children are old enough, by the arbitrary standards of the State of MN, they'll take the State sanctioned firearm's safety course. Until then, I'll continue to do what I've done... a RESPONSIBLE PARENT!

The Eddie Eagle program from the NRA is a wonderful program available FREE of charge to anyone would like to educate themselves or their children.

If you see a gun:
Don't Touch.
Leave the Area.
Tell an Adult.

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